Preamble to the Charter of British Principles and Values

We, the people of the United Kingdom, in recognition of our shared history, diverse heritage, and collective aspirations, do hereby establish this Charter as a testament to the enduring values that unite us as a nation. This document serves as a beacon of our commitment to fostering a society that is just, inclusive, and progressive, while honouring the traditions that have shaped our national identity.

In an ever-changing world, we reaffirm our dedication to the principles that have long guided our nation: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect. These foundational elements, born from our rich cultural tapestry and strengthened through centuries of shared experiences, form the bedrock upon which we build our future.

This Charter articulates the core values that define us as a people

  • Our reverence for our heritage.
  • Our unwavering commitment to equality and fairness.
  • Our celebration of freedom tempered by responsibility.
  • Our compassion for one another, and our pride in the creative spirit that has long distinguished our nation on the global stage.

As we face the challenges and opportunities of the modern era

  • We pledge to uphold these principles, not merely as lofty ideals, but as practical guides for our daily lives and governance.
  • Through this Charter, we recommit ourselves to the continuous pursuit of a society that is true to its history, open to progress, and dedicated to the well-being and flourishing of all its members.
  • Let this Charter stand as a living document, reflecting our shared values and aspirations, and serving as a compass for future generations as they navigate the path of our nation’s ongoing story.

Charter of British Principles and Values

Embracing British Heritage and Values:

We cherish our rich history and diverse culture, rooted in traditions that have shaped our nation. We welcome all who share our commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and individual liberty – the cornerstones of our society that reflect our culturally Christian heritage while embracing people of all faiths and people of none.

Fostering Equality and Fairness

We believe in the fundamental equality of all people, ensuring fair treatment and equal opportunities for everyone. Our society thrives on the principle of justice for all, rejecting discrimination, embracing diversity and shared values as a source of strength and innovation.

Championing Freedom with Responsibility

We uphold the right to freedom of belief, conscience, and expression within the bounds of mutual respect and law. This freedom comes with a duty to contribute positively to our community and to respect the rights and freedoms of others.

Nurturing a Compassionate Society

Inspired by ideals of charity and social responsibility, we support each other through both public welfare and community action. We value leaders who serve the public interest and strive to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Celebrating British Creativity and Fair Play

We take pride in our nation’s contributions to the arts, literature, and sports. We promote creativity, innovation, and the spirit of fair play in all aspects of life, encouraging participation and excellence while upholding the values of honesty, respect, and good sportsmanship.

Charter of British Principles and Values

These principles aim to capture the essence of British values and culture in a way that is welcoming and inclusive, yet clear in its expectations for all members of our society.

Charter of British Principles and Values

Oath of Acceptance

  • “I, [state your name], do solemnly affirm that I will uphold the values and principles enshrined in this Charter.
  • I pledge to honour our shared heritage.
  • Champion equality and fairness.
  • Exercise my freedoms responsibly.
  • Contribute to our compassionate society.
  • Celebrate the spirit of British creativity and fair play.
  • Commit to being an active and positive member of our community.
  • Respect the rights of others.
  • Working towards the betterment of our nation.
  • With this oath, I embrace my role in shaping our collective future, guided by the enduring values that unite us all.”
Patriots Form

Charter of British Principles and Values

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